What is RGBW

The RGBW color model can be quantified in terms of color range and brightness compared to RGB:

  1. Color Range:

    • RGB: Can produce about 16.7 million colors (256×256×256).
    • RGBW: With the addition of white, it can achieve purer color combinations, especially in the white light spectrum. The specific number depends on the control technology and can cover a wider color gamut, such as sRGB or Adobe RGB.
  2. Brightness:

    • RGB: The maximum brightness for each color channel is typically 255.
    • RGBW: The inclusion of a white channel significantly increases overall brightness. While RGB's maximum brightness might be 255, RGBW can sometimes reach 300-400 lumens (specific values depend on design and circuitry), especially in high-brightness white light scenarios.
  3. Color Temperature:

    • RGB: Color temperature cannot be adjusted.
    • RGBW: Can achieve different color temperatures by adjusting the white channel (for example, from warm white to cool white, about 2700K to 6500K).